Analytic Phonics Method

Analytic phonics recognizes that a single syllable word has two parts: onset and rime

In the word cat, c is the onset and at is the rime

The general practice of teaching phonics using the analytic phonics method is to identify the rime as a rime family.  In the above case, at is a rime family.  The family members are identified by the onset.  There are 20 family members of the at family: bat, cat, fat, gnat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, tat, vat, brat, chat, drat, flat, scat, slat, spat, that.

In order to create words from the rime family, three skills are required: 

  • saying the sound of the onset
  • saying the sound of the rime
  • blending the two sounds to form the word sound

My Breakfast Reading Program's database of 2,377 single syllable words has identified 294 rime families (at, ate, et, eat, it, ite, ot, oat, ut, ute, etc...).  Since it is difficult for many students to memorize 294 rimes, My Breakfast Reading Program uses the analytic phonics method sparingly for diphthongs (Fruit Toppings), R Controlled vowels (Orange Juice) and irregular rimes (Hot Cereal).