My Breakfast Reading Program

Sight Words

Vowel Rules

Syllabication Rules

A FREE supplemental reading program based on:
sight words, phonemic awareness,
synthetic phonics, analytic phonics, and syllabication
using concepts and principals of precision teaching and direct instruction.

Copyright 2003 - 2010 by Dick Briggs, All Rights Reserved
However, permission is granted to print and copy activities for school, tutoring programs and/or home use.

Contact Us:

Bulletin Board

01-30-11:  References to research and best practices is being developed and is a work in progress.  

A major update was made 11-28-2010.  The "Magnifying Guy" and Create Your Own phonics activities in the Student Activity Center now have a database of 3300+ single syllable words.  The display/activity has also changed.

For the Morphology/Vocabulary activity (the Owl icon), not all words will have pictures and/or sentences.  We are working on them, but it is a slow and tedious process.  In the meantime, you could have students discuss and/or write their own and draw pictures.

Five Minute Overview - YouTube Video

Student Materials

Student Activity Center

This link provides interactive activities for many skills for each of 53 lessons.  The worksheets are also printable.  You can also create your own materials to match your curriculum.

Structured lessons and Create Your Own.

Uses TTS - Text To Speech. - Text to Speech.

Create Your Own

This link allows you to create materials for flashcards, phrases, sentences, stories and syllabication.

You can even use it to create math facts, and reading numbers and currency.

Uses TTS - Text To Speech. - Text to Speech.


Find the correct spelling for
", "antagonize", "tonsillectomy" and "pneumonia" in 3 clicks.

Use this tool to help  correct spelling errors when editing independent writing activities, such as Writer's Workshop.  

One more click and find the word in


Other FREE Sites



An Online Dictionary

Starfall Learn to Read

      Sight Words
     Phonemic Awareness

Original Materials

This link is to the original 53 lessons.

These activities are not interactive.


Quick Links for Teachers and Parents

What's New

Student Materials:

General Site Information:


RTI - Response To Intervention:

Archived Links
(Available but Not Supported)


Sight Words

Cold Cereal

Cold Cereal
Sight Words 

most frequent words

Hot Cereal

Hot Cereal
Irregular Rimes

10 % of
single syllable words -
treated as sight words


Vowel Rules


44% of
single syllable words

One Vowel
Short Vowel Rule

26% of
single syllable words

Two Vowels
Long Vowel Rule
Orange Juice

7% of
single syllable words

R Controlled Vowel Rule
Fruit Toppings

13% of
single syllable words

Diphthong Vowel Rule


Most Common Rules for Dividing Words into Syllables

Concept          Diagram          Materials

Rule of Compound Words or Word Parts:  Grapefruit
If you see words or word parts within the word, cut the syllables to see the words or word parts.

Word Parts: Prefixes and Suffixes


grapefruit      grape | fruit
untie                     un | tie
helpful               help | ful

find the first vowel or vowel pair - then look at the next two letters -
apply the Rule of 1, Rule of 2 or Rule of le:

Repeat for multiple syllables
Rule of 1:  Donut
If there is only one consonant in the next two letters after the first vowel or vowel pair, cut the syllable in front of the consonant.
Donut Example: 
donut     do | nut
Rule of 2:  Muffin
If there are two consonants in the next two letters after the first vowel or vowel pair, cut the syllable between the two consonants.
Muffin Example: 
muffin     muf | fin

Rule of le:  Maple Syrup
Cut the syllable in front of the consonant before the le ending.

Syrup is sticky, so the leading consonant sticks to the le.

Maple Syrup

maple     ma | ple


Materials Used for My Breakfast Reading Program

Overview of the Site

Student Materials

Coach's Materials

This section provides general information about the website and basic concepts and terminology.

Site Information:


What Is:


This section is the core of the program.  It provides materials for 53 lessons.  The materials may be printed and copied for home and/or classroom use.

The student materials are designed for printing one activity on a page.  The design also allows the page to be displayed on the screen with minimal vertical scrolling (resolution of 1024 x 768). 

As the site evolves, many of the online pages will become interactive with audio and/or video.

Use this Lesson Activities link to directly access the 53 lessons.

The following links are EXAMPLES of the materials for specific skills from Lesson 1.  The format of the materials is consistent for all 53 lessons.

Sight Words:
Background:  Sight Words  Irregular Rimes Video

Phonemic Awareness:  Background 

Consonants, Blends, Digraphs:  Background    Video

Vowel Sounds:  Background:  Short  Long  R-Controlled Diphthong

Sound Blending:  Background

Vocabulary:  Background 

  • Worksheets #1 - #4 and/or stories

Fluency and Comprehension:  Background:  Fluency  Comprehension

This section provides information and materials to prepare a person (teacher, teacher's assistant, parent, and/or peer student) to use the program.


Video Library and Demonstrations


  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Manipulative Materials:

Pre and Post Rapid Naming materials: